Your heart has millions of tiny blood vessels networked together. These tiny blood vessels are called collaterals. When adequately present, collaterals can carry blood by detouring it around blocked arteries. However, the development of collateral circulation is a gradual process; not everyone has the ability to develop these networks at the rate to overcome the blocked vessels and relieve chest pain by restoring the blood flow. Advancing age, cardiac risk factors like diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol levels, obesity, sedentary activity, and smoking are critical factors in slowing down the formation of natural collaterals. Heart & Vascular Care EECP treatment program has been shown to improve collateral circulation and protect your heart muscles. EECP treatment triggers and accelerates this collateral circulation and makes it permanent.
How EECP Treatment Work?
EECP -Enhanced cardiac counter pulsation is USA FDA, European FDA , India FDA approved Non invasive, Non surgical, Out patient External Heart Disease treatment, Who work on synchronized pressurized method as to open New collaterals around block artery and Develop Angiogenesis and Arteriogenesis as Natural Bypass without Bypass Surgery and Stents. Mechanism of EECP working – In EECP Three Pnumatic Special Cuffs applied to Three part of leg like calf muscle, Middle Thigh and Upper Thigh Gluteal region And Like ECG Chest electrodes applied on chest at Three places , Chest electrode wire is already connected to EECP machine, Now eecp machine and patient taking eecp who comfortably lay down on eecp machine soft table are indirectly synchronized and pulse oxy meter attach with eecp machine is applied to index finger so wave form start showing on screen of eecp computer , Now Nurse and EECP trained Doctor start eecp machine , Automatically when heart is in Relax mode , automatically pressure from calf region of leg to upward middle thigh and then upper thigh in time of 50 millisecond each pneumatic cuffs via Ascending aorta goes to heart when aortic valve closed and coronary arteries open, that shear stress pressure goes to coronary arteries and increase coronary perfusion pressure, Do Diastolic Augmentation and increase mayocardial perfusion in Heart muscle And fill heart muscle defects with oxygen rich blood and along with it venous return increase, so as Frank- Sterling mechanism cardiac output rise, But in Weak heart patients frank -sterling mechanism not work so in heart failure EECP given by specific Technique that improve lvef heart pumping by Diastolic augmentation and systolic unloading when Heart contract in cardiac cycle. Approx cardiac cycle is 0.8 sec , in that diastole relax time of heart is 0.5 and systole time 0.3 sec approx , so During heart contractions EECP pneumatic cuff automatically relax loosen so after load of heart decreases, that’s why EECP increase pumping of heart lvef.
During eecp when heart is in relax at that time retrograde pressure given automatically to aortic route to heart , due to that shear stress of pressure coronary arteries endothelium improve and Nitrous oxide a vasodilator hormone secrete and Vascular Endothelial growth Factor VEGF and other Growth factors secrete and new Blood Vessles forms, Dormant vessels open around blocked arteries And Block arteries also Dilate, that’s why Rerouting of Blood supply to Heart muscle happens and Multiple collaterals surrounds block arteries supply blood to heart muscle, which was deprive of blood due to blockage, EECP generate progenitor stem cell that also develop New vessels. So block artery become rudimentary means of no use, EECP also reduces volume overload and reduce cardiac hypertrophy , so Due to reduction of afterload resistance when heart contract and improve blood flow by developing new vessles network EECP do natural bypass and improve Heart left ventricle pumping.
Most importantly EECP improve Diabetes and cardio metabolic renal insufficiency patients. Most other benefits of eecp is some time long calcification and long blockages can be not cured by stents or bypass surgery, But EECP develop too much collaterals and angiogenesis and arteriogenesis so in future patient become risk free of future Heart attack and if life style not proper and in future some ischemia occurs but it will never Fatal. That is main advantage of eecp. Please Do not take eecp on cheap machines due to low charge but that machine do not develop natural collateralization and gives you placebo effect, so don’t take eecp on low priced Machine like omey. Take EECP on Trial based machine like Psk , Vsk or Vaso eecp machine to get best results of natural bypass and improve heart pumping.
We at Heart-Vascular Care- Advance EECP Heart centre specialize treating weak heart, we improve heart pumping by our special protocol, EECP is rejuvenate Heart and regenerate heart and particularly diabetes, high bp , kidney, obesity , heart patients in whom multiple blockage see like 99 percent, 90, 80 percent blockage seen and that is doctor presumption, not actual percentage and in bypass surgery advised but in bypass surgery they not remove block by forcep but only they bypass block artery by taking artery from chest or hand or vein from leg. They not removed blockages in bypass surgery. In comparison EECP develop multiple collaterals and do natural bypass. And dilate vessles. So as like bypass surgery blockage become useless , same in EECP without surgery Naturally a bypass occurs and blockage become useless – rudimentary. So EECP is best treatment to avoid bypass surgery and stent , along with life style diet change and cardiology Medicine.
We Treat By EECP USA FDA Approved Heart Treatment Following
- Heart disease blockage, heart failure , low pumping of heart, hypertension, Diabetes, renal vascular disease.
- Cerebral ischemic stroke.
- Cardiomyopathy except hypertrophic.
- Chronic fatigue syndrome and low vitality.
EECP and Blood Flow
EECP increases the blood flow to the heart muscles by gently and firmly pressing the blood vessels via the cuffs placed in the legs. More blood reaches the heart when it is relaxing. The increase in blood flow to the heart muscle eventually can restore the deficient blood supply.
The increase in blood flow to the heart muscle is achieved through two mechanisms.
- Accelerate the formation of new vessels around the blocked arteries. It is called Angiogenesis.
- Increase the diameter of the preexisting dormant collaterals and increase the blood flow. It is called Arteriogenesis. These blood vessels eventually become permanent and provide long term benefits of EECP treatment. The treatment also helps to dilate the blood vessels helping the heart to pump with ease. It will save the heart energy.
Natural Bypass Surgery
Coronary Artery Bypass surgery is a mechanical and highly invasive procedure performed on patients with blocked arteries. The blocked vessels are bypassed using vessels taken from other parts of your body. Even though the vessel is taken from your own body, when we placed the artery from a different location to bypass the heart’s blocked artery, it eventually damaged and closed in the long run. The reason is your body knows these vessels do not belong there.
EECP treatment, on the contrary, will open up existing dormant and forms new blood vessels across the blocked artery. These blood vessels are formed naturally, stimulated by the increase in blood flow. Hence EECP treatment is also called “Natural Bypass Treatment”.
Short Course Of Enhanced External CounterPulsation (EECP) Improves Myocardial Perfusion In Patients With Severe Left Ventricular Dysfunction Posted For High-Risk Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
Beneficial Effects Of Enhanced External Counterpulsation In Chronic Anginal Patients Who Are Unwilling For Interventional Procedure
Enhanced External Counterpulsation Normalize Exercise Capacity And Angina Function In Patients With Chronic Angina.
Improved Effort Tolerance in Angina patients with Enhanced External Counterpulsation Therapy Is Predominantly Due to its Peripheral Traning Effects.
Safety and Efficacy of Enhanced External Counterpulsation in Patients with Permanent Pacemakers in the treatment of Chronic Heart Angina.
Safety and Effectiveness of Enhanced External Counterpulsation in Improving Angioplasty Restenosis.
Short Course Of Enhanced External CounterPulsation (EECP) Improves Myocardial Perfusion In Patients With Severe Left Ventricular Dysfunction Posted For High-Risk Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
Effect of Enhanced External Counterpulsation on Ejection Fraction in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease
Technetium-99-Single – photon emission computer tomography evaluation of ischemic heart failure patients treated with Enhanced External Counterpulsation.
Enhanced External Counterpulsation improves Myocardial Function and Exercise Tolerance In Severe Left Ventricular Dysfunction Patients Independent Of Diabetes
EECP Reverse The Left Ventricle Remodeling In Patient With Moderate Left Ventricular Dysfunction by Improving Myocardial Perfusion.
Effect of Enhanced External Counter Pulsation Treatment on Ejection Fraction in Patients with Moderate Left Ventricular Dysfunction.
EECP Benefits Diabetic Patients
Diabetic patients benefit from EECP by having better control over their blood glucose levels. It is achieved by greater utilization of blood glucose by the cells, enhancing insulin secretion, and improving the cell’s sensitivity to insulin.